Friday, December 28, 2007

Paradise in a dream

If a man could pass through Paradise in a dream, and have a flower presented to him as a pledge that his soul had really been there, and if he found that flower in his hand when he awoke - Ay! And what then?
Samuel T. Coleridge

Saturday, December 22, 2007

About music, again.

My new songs are being recorded mostly during the night time, my days are so full of things to do that i can get into music only when everybody else is sleeping.

I'm listening now to what i've recorded yesterday night and i'm wondering where i've really been.
Music is the most powerful starship in the world.
It's an angel lifting you up to the skies, letting you look at things in their real perspective while filling your ears with truth.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The Hub - Spread the word

Let's use technology before technology uses us.

The Hub is an interactive community for human rights, where you can upload videos, audio or photos, or simply watch, comment on and share what’s on the site. You can use each media item on the site to encourage individuals to learn more and to get involved by providing direct links to resources, advocacy groups, campaigns and actions that they can take to make a difference.

Sunday, September 09, 2007

expressing the inexpressible

After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music.

Aldous Huxley (1894 - 1963), "Music at Night", 1931.

Monday, July 09, 2007

Slowdown you crazy child

I keep on receiving many mails asking me when my latest CD will be finally ready.
Let me reassure you, I am working on it. It's just that I'm a bit slow in elaborating inspirations, besides this my own personal life is so stuffed with so many things that I just don't have the time to do all that I wish.
Anyway you can keep on sending me your audio files, I just got 2 great voices from Japan, arigatò people of the rising sun.
Thanks also to the Pakistan guy who sent me his voice, I just wish I could understand what you said, but I already found a nice place for you in a song. Sounds pretty creepy and it goes well along with the melody.
I'll be listening to all you're sending me, whatever comes to your mind, and I'll use your sounds in my next CD, so you'll be partecipating in a real global project, no matter where you come from.
As always just contact me from my website .
cheers !

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Some bands you should absolutely know

I'm listening to a lot of great bands lately,
here are my personal suggestions if you wish to know new groups:
They're all absolutely amazing, don't miss them.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

I want your SOUNDS !

As you all know I'm actually working on my latest CD which
will hopefully be released by the end of year 2007.

I am experimenting and mixing sounds in my songs, I already
have a quite interesting bunch of them but I want to push
this experience further.

If you wish to collaborate with me in the making of my CD
send me whatever you think it is interesting.
Sounds from your room window, the sounds of the streets you
walk on, your voice and your thoughts, whatever you think it
is nice to listen to.

I will give you credits on my CD artwork and you will have
the pleasure to have collaborated in a brand new piece of
modern art.

Write me from my contact page at

Monday, January 15, 2007


Sempre devi avere in mente Itaca,
raggiungerla sia il pensiero costante.
Soprattutto, non affrettare il viaggio;
fa che duri a lungo, per anni, e che da vecchio
metta piede sull'isola, tu, ricco
dei tesori accumulati per strada
senza aspettarti ricchezze da Itaca.
Itaca ti ha dato il bel viaggio,
senza di lei mai ti saresti messo
sulla strada: che cos'altro ti aspetti?

Mille grazie a Isabella.

Always have in mind Itaca,
be the arrival your constant thought.
Above all don't rush in,
let it last long, for years,
and when old aged you
put your foot on the island,
rich of treasures found on the way,
don't expect wealth from Itaca.
Itaca gave you the amazing journey,
without it you would have never leaved:
what else could you expect ?

Many thanks to Isabella.